The Direct Capitalization Methodology is widely used in valuation of Income Producing Properties. However, the derivation of Capital-ization rates can be one of the more difficult inputs to determine especially in the situations where there are few representative sales available for analysis. This Webinar will discuss the various methodologies for determining capitalization rates and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of various methodologies. In addition, a detailed explanation of excess land analysis will be discussed. The panelists will comment on situations where additional value needs to be considered for the excess land not required to support the commercial activity present on the property.

On Demand Webinar Series

About the On Demand Series

Missed out on a live webinar? Want to catch up?  We’ve got you covered!  The IMA’s On Demand Webinar Series provides access to all past webinar recordings to ensure you don't miss a thing.  Earn CPD credits from the comfort and safety of home with these timely and engaging sessions led by subject matter experts from across Canada.

After purchase, you will have access to the recording for 48 hours.  Be sure to complete brief feedback survey following the recording to have your CPD credits automatically logged to your IMA member portal.


CPD Credits

  • 1.5 Leaning Credits


  • Lee May, M.I.M.A., CAE
  • Malcolm Stadig, AACI, P. App, CAE, MRICS, ASA, M.I.M.A.

Completion Time

  • You will have access to the recording for 48 hours after the purchase